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honolulu, HI, United States


rant w/ code geass snuck in.

Yay, it's...that Chinese Federation guy from Code Geass R2. lol.
Typical bishie, it's great...every anime has to have one of those!
I don't know, I don't like him, but I don't hate him. I just don't see much to him yet. XD;
Anyways, this is a sketch of him. I will ink/color him tomorrow, and then post them up on MB and dA.

*o, sorry for the bad quality..the scanner is in my parent's room, and they're i just took a picture of it instead. -fail-

& yea, I've tried a slightly different style again...smaller eyes, farther up, elongated face, more pronounced nose...mmya.. XD;

So , I've been doing a l
ot more doodles now that I actually plan on tidying up and such.

Hopefully I'll be able to sell them! :D Sakura Con is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get tables for, though, which really bothers me. --; Kawaii Kon has a much larger Artist Alley, and the artists there were much more friendly.
Aah, well. Maybe the Sakura con guys are friendly...maybe if I get to work with them, I'll be able to actually talk to them more. :]


and on a totally different subject...though still relating to art...
I hate people who are soo cocky about their work. Especially those who know they're good, and thus they flaunt it and look down upon everyone else. They only talk to people who, in their eyes, have work almost as good as theirs, and ignore everyone else.
Luckily this has never happened to me, but I've seen this happen to many other people, and it makes me want to walk up to those arrogant artists and smack their heads.
-sigh- I mean, seriously? What if this guy really tried his best? Who are you to say that what he drew did not take up as much time and effort as you did on yours? He may have took a long time to draw that. You don't know that, and don't judge it just because you look at it and think that, 'Oh, I can do this in 10 seconds. WTF!!111!!'
And why is it you only think about profit here? Ever think of giving something for the sake of giving? You're regretting giving it away because you couldn't sell it, and if you kept it you could have sold it online. It's not all about making money. It feels nice to give sometimes. You should try it.

-breathes- Okay, I'm calm...I just hate it when people are so arrogant and stuck up towards anyone that they view are less superior than them. I feel that each artist has their own certain style. There is always room for improvement, but just because someone's style is different than yours does not mean that they are below you.
There is a difference between badly drawn art, and art with a different style. Some people have to learn that, seriously.

ok ok i'm done... ><

1 comment:

spica said...

Mm, bishies.

Oooh~~~ I hope you get a table and everyone is nice~~~

&&, I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT THOSE KINDS OF ARTISTS. D: They totally piss me off beyond rational thinking. Absolutely nothing gives them the right to act like that. Screw being a good artist --- I'll take a humble and kind personality over skill any day.