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Code Geass R2 episode 21 - I am Zero, the man who accomplishes miracles.

"Why do people lie?
This is not only to battle something else,
but because they yearn for something.
A world that is fine as it is, is a world without change.
You cannot call that living."

And that quote from Lelouch basically summed up the entire episode. Lelouch's mommy and daddy were frolicking around planning to create some kind of perfect alternate-reality world (or something like that)...but Lelouch was basically all, 'NUH-UH GIRLFRIEND~' and wiped their asses off the face of...any planet.

Which was cool and all, except now Lelouch took over as the Emperor of Britannia (o, irony!) and is now craaazy power hungry. And I'm sure C.C. feels t
he same way, too. (See her expression at the end of the episode)
There's not much to say about this episode, really. Though the BK's are probably still pissed, the Chinese Fed. are confused, everyone else are Geaass'd and Schniezel and his lackies and plotting...
But ahh, kind of dissappointing that Lelouch's mum was a selfish
bitch. v___v I mean, holy shiiiiiiittz. The entire series you think she's a great person, only to discover in episode 21 that she was Charles' selfish whore who basically abandoned and lied to her children to keep some promise keep a promise even if it means abandoning your children. What a jerk. v_v THANK GOD THE ART IS BACK TO USUAL. Last episode's funky animation made me cry.

"This is not a lie, but reality's answer."

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