
My photo
honolulu, HI, United States


Art from 2007

A friend of mine asked to see some of the paintings I've done.
The only one's I have with me are paintings I did for AP Art in my senior year of highschool. (These are the only one's I have on my computer, the rest are at home.. ><) I only have three of them on me--a watercolor, a mixed media piece, and a pastel (and oil) paintings.

The first piece is a mixed media piece...supposed to represent the different elements. The second piece is done almost entirely out of pastels, although I used a little bit of oil paint in some parts. :] I took the picture of these pots at the Hawaii Chinatown. The third piece are bicycles done in watercolor. This picture was taken at Waikiki. :D

Lastly, sorry for the kind-of poor quality images...I took pictures of them, as I couldn't scan them or anything.. ><


Writings pt. I

Some writings/fanfics/etc. Yupp.

The first one is a short that I wrote. I said I may make a short manga related to this. I might try my hand at that after I finish this painting I'm working on.
I may add onto this more later. idk yet, haha~


It rained all day today. A soaked, foggy version of a would-be paradise.

The heavens were coated a dark grey, sheets of rain pouring onto my town, forming reflections of myself on the pavement as I walked.
I look down, watching as I step onto another version of myself, only to have my copy dissipate as the water's ripples spread out from beneath my feet. My feet are damp, my slippers soaked. I continue to walk, my mind as foggy and overcast as the sky above me.
Bag in hand, a heavy weight that leans me to one side. It's times like these I wish I were stronger. Physically, emotionally, mentally. My hand tenses up from the weight, but I keep holding on until it becomes unbearable, my fingers red from strain. I release the weight to my other hand, juggling the weight from one to the other. I wish I were stronger.
I smile to myself at the cliche scene I happened myself into. Earlier I watched my relationship walk slowly away into the distance, the rain falling between us as our distance slowly increased. No longer could I look down onto the puddles and see the reflections of two walking side by side. I looked down at my reflection, my lonely, pathetic being standing alone in the rain.
This greatly cliched scene is complete. I am now alone.


This next one is a short fanfic of Code Geass. Lelouch x Shirley, based on episode 13.

Lelouch was still sitting, clutching onto Shirley Fenette’s body, her spirit already gone and faded from his world. He didn’t know how long he’d been crying, but he didn’t care. He was overflowing with emotions, so full of regret, despair, and yearning.
He yearned for her touch, her voice. He will never admit it out loud, but Shirley was a person of great importance in his life.
She was one of the only people to see Lelouch as the young man that she always knew. She was still able to see the “old” Lelouch, even after knowing about his alter-ego Zero, and all the things he had done under his alias. She did not see Lelouch as a backstabber, as a betrayer, a leader, or a god. She saw Lelouch as Lelouch, and she loved him for that.
Lelouch killed her father. He erased her memories. He made her live a lie for a year. Shirley knew all this, and yet she still loved him.

She loved me.

Lelouch was overwhelmed with despondency, as he thought about her confession to him in the last moments of her life. She did nothing wrong, all she did was love him unconditionally. Loved a man who killed hundreds, tortured many, and manipulated even more.
And yet, this man is the one still alive, who clutched onto this love struck girl as she bled for the love of the man.
Why Shirley? She did nothing. She was not supposed to die. Not here, not now.
And as much as this man wished, as much as he cried, he wasn’t able to revive the girl. He held a high status and great power, but nothing could bring the girl back to him.
Everything that she did was out of love. This realization made Lelouch’s heart ache even more, and he could not help but cry outwardly in agony. She wanted to be next to him, through the good and the bad. He was alone amongst his army of Knights, and she knew this. She did not want him to go through all of this pain alone; this pain that was slowly tearing him apart. She wanted to be by his side, so he would have someone there with him at the end.
She wanted to be the one truthful thing to me...the only truthful thing.
Her words repeated inside Lelouch’s mind as he hugged Shirley’s body closer to him. He knew she was the only truthful person to him, and Lelouch knew that his trust died along with her.

The great king hunched lower to his queen, sobbing uncontrollably. A picture no commoner or Knight would ever see, an image of their king in such a helpless and defenseless state.
The sun faded behind a smoky, foggy sky, opening up for the night; the same way the light dimmed in the king’s heart that day.
For she represented all that was good, pure and light in his life. And with her gone, all that was left in his fading heart was revenge.

A fading heart, but still a heart.



Drawings of my Grandma (mom's side) and Grandpa (dad's side).
I'm working on my Grandma (dad's side) and Grandpa (mom's side). :D


Fall Doodles II

More doodles from my sketchbook. I've only had time to do ink sketches. Hopefully I'll be able to do some watercolor ones during break/January Term.


Fall Doodles

- cali


Code Geass R2 episode 21 - I am Zero, the man who accomplishes miracles.

"Why do people lie?
This is not only to battle something else,
but because they yearn for something.
A world that is fine as it is, is a world without change.
You cannot call that living."

And that quote from Lelouch basically summed up the entire episode. Lelouch's mommy and daddy were frolicking around planning to create some kind of perfect alternate-reality world (or something like that)...but Lelouch was basically all, 'NUH-UH GIRLFRIEND~' and wiped their asses off the face of...any planet.

Which was cool and all, except now Lelouch took over as the Emperor of Britannia (o, irony!) and is now craaazy power hungry. And I'm sure C.C. feels t
he same way, too. (See her expression at the end of the episode)
There's not much to say about this episode, really. Though the BK's are probably still pissed, the Chinese Fed. are confused, everyone else are Geaass'd and Schniezel and his lackies and plotting...
But ahh, kind of dissappointing that Lelouch's mum was a selfish
bitch. v___v I mean, holy shiiiiiiittz. The entire series you think she's a great person, only to discover in episode 21 that she was Charles' selfish whore who basically abandoned and lied to her children to keep some promise keep a promise even if it means abandoning your children. What a jerk. v_v THANK GOD THE ART IS BACK TO USUAL. Last episode's funky animation made me cry.

"This is not a lie, but reality's answer."


Summer Doodles

I've been randomly doodling a lot throughout the summer, most of them not developing further than simple doodles.
I still kind of like them, though.
Here are some of the doodles that I've done...

<--I already posted this one before, but I'd like to point out that I have done some realistic-like doodles...not all were animu. >>;;
Top dog is a Welsh Corgi. I WANT A WELSH CORGI... O__O They're so awesome. ><

This one is a fanart of Apollo Justice from the DS series, Ace Attorney. It was one of the very first doodles I did this summer. It was more of a practice doodle, and hand/arm angle kind of thing. I st
ill need to work on that some.

This next one is of Mao from Code Geass. Based off of this
screenshot: here. I mean wow..I didn't even notice that till someone pointed it out to me. But I find it dreadfully amusing nevertheless.

This next one is basically Heath Ledger's version of The Joker in the Dark Knight. Except chibi version, ya. :D I had fun drawing his eye makeup and such, though. tee-hee!
It's chibi, and that is my excuse for his lack of fingers. Ya, deal with it. :>
This one is purely for perspective...usually I draw people with their face showing, so I wanted to try a pose where you can't see her face. And the shoulder that potrudes toward you is always fun / difficult to show...

so yea, that was the point of this one. >>;;

This next, and last one, is of Flonne from Disgaea. Aaron got the game and I thought the art looked nice, so I decided to do some fanart. I kind of like how sketchy it turned out, so I'll probably leave it like this. I probably out the outfit wrong at some points, since I couldn't really figure it out, but you get the general gist of it.
Haha, notice how it gets less detailed near the bottom, compared to the top. |D

So yea. These are some of the doodles I've done. CLICK THE IMAGE TO ENLARGE. :D Though I suppose some of them look better small and miniscule like this. :P I will continue to doodle, and if I'm not lazy, I'll upload them here, too! : ]